Become a member of the Victorian Flute Guild!
Membership renewals and subscriptions are due 30th of June.
Benefits of VFG Membership
- connection to hundreds of members state wide
- eligibility to join one of the Guild’s 3 permanent flute ensembles
- notification of VFG guest flautists from Australia and abroad, performing and teaching exclusively for the VFG
- reduced price for VFG masterclasses
- reduced price for VFG concerts
- free access to the VFG sheet music library
- quarterly copy of The Flautist Journal
You can apply in two ways:
- Online Payments to: Victorian Flute Guild, BSB 063 010, Account No 10053033; or
- Via email. Simply download and fill in the form below, then email to:
Payment by credit card or bank transfer only.
VFG Membership Form
For further enquiries, please contact us.
Alternatively you may contact our Membership Secretary Kelly Williams via email:
[email protected]